Comprehensive FDW Medical Check-Up
Ensuring Health and Safety for Domestic Helpers
At Aye Helpers, we deeply care about the health and well-being of both our maids and the families they assist. Our thorough FDW medical check-up protocol ensures that our maids are in good health and ready to provide excellent service. Here's how we ensure their well-being:
Pre-employment FDW Medical Examination (PME):
Our Promise: Before introducing any maid to potential employers, we conduct a comprehensive Pre-employment FDW Medical Examination (PME) to ensure their health and capability.
What It Includes:
- Physical Assessment: Our caring medical professionals conduct detailed physical exams to check vital signs and overall fitness.
- Medical History Review: We take time to understand the maid's medical background, including past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, and current medications.
- Laboratory Tests: Our PME covers screenings for infectious diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, tailored to the maid's country of origin and travel history.
- Immunizations: We make sure all required immunizations, such as for tetanus and hepatitis B, are up-to-date.
- Drug Screening: Our process includes thorough drug screening to ensure our maids are fit for duty.
Six-Monthly FDW Medical Examinations (6ME):
Ongoing Support: Throughout their employment, we schedule Six-Monthly FDW Medical Examinations (6ME) to continuously monitor their health and well-being.
What It Involves:
- Physical Check-ups: Our dedicated medical team conducts regular assessments to track vital signs and overall health.
- Medical History Updates: We keep up-to-date with any changes in medical history, including new illnesses, medications, or allergies.
- Periodic Laboratory Tests: Depending on individual needs, we conduct relevant tests to monitor health status.
- Health Education: We provide guidance on maintaining good health practices, from nutrition to hygiene and exercise.
- Counseling and Support: Our agency offers emotional support and counseling to maids facing work-related stress or personal challenges.
By following our FDW Medical Checkup protocol, Aye Helpers ensures the health and safety of our maids and the households they serve.
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